Understanding the 4 C’s of Diamonds: Clarity, Cut, Color & Carat Explained

Understanding the 4 C’s of Diamonds: Clarity, Cut, Color & Carat Explained

4 C’s of Diamonds


What makes a piece of jewellery brilliant?

Is it their design, the metal, or the finish?


All of that is well and good, but the gem is what truly makes it radiant. When it comes to choosing the perfect diamond, understanding what makes them is necessary. The first step in picking any jewellery is knowing how diamonds lab-grown or natural are graded and learning the parameters with which each diamond is recognised. That’s why we’re here to introduce you to the four fundamental factors that define a


4 C’s of Diamonds quality:

1) Cut

2) Colour

3) Clarity

4) Carat.


These criteria were systematically established by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) in the 1940s and have become the universal standard for assessing diamonds today. So, keep on reading to get the basics of what makes a lab-grown diamond and your jewellery sparkle.


Cut: The Core of Brilliance


The cut of a diamond is perhaps the most critical factor influencing how it looks to the eye. It determines how well the diamond reflects light, creating the brilliance, sparkle, and fire that makes diamonds so pretty to behold.



Proportions: The angles and relative measurements of a diamond’s facets.

Symmetry: The precision and alignment of the diamond’s facets.

Polish: The smoothness of the diamond’s surface.


All these factors together decide the cut of a lab-grown diamond. The GIA cut scale ranges from Excellent to Poor. The better the cut, the higher the price. An Excellent cut diamond is one that reflects almost all light that enters it, giving it that mesmerising brilliance and sparkle.


Colour: The Canvas of Purity


Diamonds come in a spectrum of colours, and there are two ways of evaluating the colour of a lab-grown diamond. For shapes other than round – like pear or heart or others, that come in blues, yellows, and pinks are rated differently. But, some of the most valuable lab-grown diamonds, round or any other shape, are the ones that appear colourless. The colour scale starts from D (completely colourless) to Z (yellow or brown). Lab-grown diamonds from Sonani Jewels come in a multitude of colours, even in pinks and blues. They possess a stunning lack of colour, rivalling the finest natural diamonds.


Grading Scale:

Colourless Diamonds (D-F): Completely devoid of colour, these are rare and highly prized.

Near Colourless (G-J): Slight traces of colour are detectable by experts but are still very high quality.

Faint Colour (K-M): Noticeable colour that may be visible to the naked eye, offering a warmer hue.


Clarity: The Story Within


Perfection does not equate to beauty. Natural or lab-grown diamonds have their own set of internal characteristics, known as inclusions, and external ones, known as blemishes. The clarity of a diamond refers to the absence of these imperfections. The higher-graded clarity diamonds have a higher value. Sonani Jewels has, over the years, mastered the craft of growing diamonds of exceptional clarity, ensuring that each stone radiates pure beauty.


What the scale looks like:


Flawless (FL): No inclusions or blemishes visible under 10x magnification.

Internally Flawless (IF): No inclusions and only minor blemishes visible under 10x magnification.

Very, Very Slightly Included (VVS1 and VVS2): Inclusions are difficult to detect even under 10x magnification.

Very Slightly Included (VS1 and VS2): Inclusions are minor and range from difficult to somewhat easy to see under 10x magnification.

Slightly Included (SI1 and SI2): Inclusions are noticeable under 10x magnification.

Included (I1, I2, and I3): Inclusions are obvious under 10x magnification and may affect transparency and brilliance.


Carat: The Measure of Weight


Carat is a unit of measurement used to describe the weight of a diamond, mind you, not the measure of its size. One carat is equivalent to 200 milligrams. While carat weight can influence a diamond’s price, it is not the only consideration, because a larger diamond may not necessarily be more beautiful than a smaller one with a superior cut, colour, and clarity.


What to Look For:

Balance: Consider the balance between carat weight and the other three C’s to maximise beauty and value.

Personal Preference: Choose a carat weight that aligns with your style and budget.


Lab-grown diamonds in jewellery?


The emergence of lab-grown diamond jewellery has led to some questions floating around regarding the value of them. Some myths and misconceptions need to be solved. Sonani Jewels has been growing lab-grown diamonds for decades, we have mastered the process of growing diamonds. And we can attest that lab-grown diamonds are optically, chemically, and physically identical to natural diamonds and just as well as natural diamonds in the jewellery. Our diamonds are crafted using state-of-the-art technology and offer several



Sustainability: Lab-grown diamonds have a smaller environmental footprint compared to mined diamonds.

Affordability: Lab-grown diamonds are typically more cost-effective, allowing you to invest in higher quality for the same price.

Ethical Sourcing: Our diamonds are free from the ethical concerns associated with traditional diamond mining.


4 C’s of Diamonds Knowledge is Power


Understanding these 4 C’s of Diamonds helps you as a customer make an informed decision about what kind of lab-grown diamond jewellery you should invest in. Here at Sonani Jewels, we have a range of lab-grown diamond jewellery collections with diamonds that meet the highest standards of cut, colour, clarity, and carat. Whether you’re choosing a sparkling engagement ring or an everyday essential piece of jewellery, our lab-grown diamonds are sure to captivate the wearer and the observer.


Explore our collection today and discover the brilliance of Sonani Jewels – where science meets art to create diamonds of extraordinary radiance.


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Recent Post: Earth Day Special: Sustainable Lab Grown Diamonds & Eco-Friendly Jewellery
Previous Post: Top 5 Myths About Lab-Grown Diamonds


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